Helpful Resources
Southern Baptist Ministry Resources
Baptist Faith and Message | Baptist Faith & Message 2000 - The Baptist Faith and Message (sbc.net)
Baptist Faith and Message outlines beliefs that all member churches of the CBA subscribe to. ​
CBA Member Agreement Form |
All churches who wish to become members of the Connecticut Baptist Association are required to review and sign this form. We want you to be clear on our expectations and held accountable for your decision to support our mission.
Baptist Convention of New England | www.bcne.net/
You want to multiply Christ-followers. But ministry in New England can be challenging. The Baptist Convention of New England is here for you. Our experienced staff is ready to walk alongside you by partnering with you, equipping you, and encouraging you. You don't have to do this alone. Get involved in a network of more than 360 local churches, supporting one another and cooperating to effectively advance God's Kingdom in New England.
Southern Baptist Convention | www.sbc.net/
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a body of like-minded local churches cooperating together to reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. There are currently more than fifty thousand Southern Baptist cooperating churches and church-type missions. Though as many as two hundred could be counted as “mega-churches,” the vast majority run less than two hundred in weekly worship. No two churches are alike; but there are certain commonalities that bind Southern Baptists together, regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, size, or location.
Southern Baptist Foundation | www.sbfdn.org/
The Southern Baptist Foundation is committed to advancing God’s Kingdom by providing low cost, high impact investing that supports Christian ministries. Our industry experts provide trustworthy guidance to aid investors in navigating today’s complex market environment and achieve their financial goals with confidence and success. We are a long-term, values-based, and socially responsible investor that strives to maximize growth and reduce risk while delivering superior investment solutions. We make it easy to invest in a biblically responsible manner.
The International Missions Board | www.imb.org/
PRAY - Join the critical work of praying for unreached peoples. GIVE - Empower IMB missionaries to make disciples. GO - Explore opportunities to take the gospel to the nations.
North American Missions Board | www.namb.net/
The Church is God’s plan—you are God’s plan—to reach North America and the nations with the hope of the gospel, and the North American Mission Board is here to help. Offering Compassion Ministry, Evangelism, Church Planting, Chaplaincy, and more.